Terms of Service

    The user is reminded that making an appointment constitutes a firm commitment on his part to the company. The user understands that grooming takes time and undertakes to respect the zoo cosmetology(1) working method of the grooming salon. The user agrees in case of impossibility to go to the appointment to notify the grooming salon as soon as possible (24 hours before for an appointment of one hour and 48 hours before for an appointment of more than one hour ).The user agrees to assume all the consequences of a delay(2) or a late cancellation(3).The Un Pelage Au Poil grooming salon remains open on Sundays for your convenience (on Sundays, no cancellation will not be accepted). In the event of a no-show at an appointment, a penalty applies which covers the estimated loss resulting from a missed appointment.

Choice of penalty:

    Losing the priority of your future appointment. Reservation made, another customer can choose your time slot up to 4 hours before your appointmentA final price increase of €5/hPay €25

Thank you for your understanding Management

(1). Zoo cosmetology: in cooperation, in stages and gently.

(2). Any delay is due

(3). Late cancellation: if you cancel at the last moment (24 hours before for an appointment of one hour and 48 hours before for an appointment of more than one hour)

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